Terms and conditions

Terms of use

Eupago.pt is managed by Eupago, Instituição de Pagamento, Lda with the purpose of promoting information about our activity. The information about the products and services does not constitute, however, a contractual proposal or pre-contractual information, being the general conditions of these products and services regulated in its own document.

Besides our institutional information and information about our products and services at eupago.pt it is also available information of diverse nature, namely of legal and fiscal nature, as well as relative to financial markets.

eupago.pt is digitally certified and uses the latest encryption technologies to ensure the security and confidentiality of data transmissions between the client computer and eupago.pt. Communications are protected using the SSL protocol with encryption keys of 128 bits or higher, which means that the information circulating between the clients computer and eupago.pt is transmitted in an unreadable, secure and confidential way. The use of encryption with SSL is indicated by the URL starting with https://.

The details of the digital certificate, in particular the name of the site and validity of the certificate can be found on any page of eupago.pt, through the symbol of the link associated with the url in the address bar.

Eupago develops the best efforts to ensure the updating and accuracy of all the information available on eupago.pt. However, does not guarantee that the information provided is permanently updated and accurate.

The legal terms and conditions displayed on eupago.pt do not exclude the need to consult the officially approved legal rules in force, published in the original editions and media (Diário da República, Official Journal of the European Union and Official Bulletin of Banco de Portugal).

All the information contained in eupago.pt, including analyses, estimates, projections and opinions, is intended exclusively for private use, and its use for commercial purposes is prohibited. However, the information provided does not constitute, regardless of its form, advice or recommendations to buy, sell or hire, not exempting the use of experts in case of need.

In this way, Eupago is not responsible for any losses or material or personal damages that may result directly or indirectly from the use of the information made available, being the user the sole and exclusive responsible for all decisions taken based on that information.

Eupago.pt allows the connection to other websites through links provided for that purpose. However, Eupago does not assume any responsibility for the information available on these sites or for the providing of services by external entities..

The intellectual property rights of all the contents of eupago.com, except for the ones that are provided by external entities properly identified, belong to Eupago, including the information, the tools, the applications for Smartphones and Tablets, the graphic design of the Internet pages, with all its components, and all the figures, graphics or texts

The user can access eupago.pt through the remote channels available (Internet, Smartphones and Tablets), and Eupago does not assume any responsibility for damages resulting from eventual situations of impossibility, delay, suspension or interruption in access to eupago.pt, due to technical failures or other reasons. Eupago does not guarantee that access to eupago.pt will not suffer interruptions or disturbances resulting from technical problems.

Eupago does not guarantee that eupago.pt works correctly in all mobile devices and respective configurations, not being committed to develop contents that adjust to all devices available in the market.

All information and content available on eupago.pt, including those available in applications for smartphones and tablets, may be changed without notice, with the exception of those expressly required by law

It is not allowed the total or partial reproduction of any information or content of eupago.pt as well as images, videos, or any other element of multimedia, including those available through applications for smartphones and tablets, or its rental or sale, without prior authorization from Eupago or external entities suppliers of information duly identified.

The access or utilization of eupago.pt implies the acceptance by the user of the conditions previously mentioned.

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

Under the terms of Law 144/2015, of September 8, we inform you that Eupago is registered with the following alternative dispute resolution (ADR) entities:

Under Regulation (EU) No 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on the Online Settlement of Consumer Disputes (ODR Regulation), we inform you that there is a dispute resolution platform where consumers and traders can register their complaints and monitor their progress. The European Commission thus wants to strengthen confidence in online shopping. The platform is accessible through the following link:

Electronic complain book

Electronic complain book

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